Symptoms of Detoxification
Symptoms of detoxification generally occur when the body is adjusting to a cleaner diet or lifestyle. The symptoms include headaches, fatigue, mood swings and sleep disorders. Depending on how many toxins are leaving the body at once, the symptoms of detoxification may be mild or severe. Also, many detox symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue, tend to come and go.

When going through a detox, the body releases stored toxins back into the bloodstream so they can be eliminated. The problem with this is that once in the bloodstream, the toxins once again become a threat to the organs, muscles, brain and nerves. The more toxins that float around in the blood, the worse the detox symptoms get.

It is important, therefore, to listen to the body and detox accordingly in order to keep the symptoms at a tolerable level.

Another reason to take it easy is that detoxing can be very stressful for the elimination organs, and in many cases, they might not be able to keep up with the elimination process. As a result, the toxins are reabsorbed back into the body as that is the body's natural way of protecting itself.

Although it is best to avoid the extreme, any mild or moderate symptoms should be welcomed because they are a sign that the body is healing. If a rapid detox is necessary, it should be done under the guidance of a trusted healthcare practitioner in order to avoid further complications.

Resting throughout the detox process is recommended because it can help to ease the symptoms. This includes resting from social activities as well because the mind needs time to heal and rest the same way the body does.

So without further ado, here are some of the symptoms of detoxification:

Aches and Pains

Aches and pains can be in a specific spot or they can be widespread throughout the body. In any case, they should not be treated with drugs because that will contribute to even more toxins floating around. Getting plenty of rest and sleep, drinking lots of water, and taking warm baths are excellent ways to ease the aches and pains naturally.

Headaches or Feeling Lightheaded. Headaches are generally the first symptom of detoxification. They are quite normal when quitting cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, meat, dairy and many other processed foods.

Muscle Aches. Muscle aches are also quite common because the toxins can pass through the muscle tissues before they are eliminated. This process can leave the muscles feeling weak and tired, however, it is generally nothing to worry about as the symptoms will gradually disappear.

Stomach Aches. Stomach aches, along with gas and bloating can also occur in some cases, especially for those detoxing from red meat or a diet high in processed foods. 

Fatigue and Low Energy

Any kind of detox is difficult for the body to go through. As a result, the body tires easily throughout the day and requires a lot of sleep at night. It is important, therefore, to get plenty of rest so the body can heal more quickly.

Weakness and Fatigue. Weakness and fatigue are a couple of very common symptoms of detoxification. The main reason why they occur is that once the body detoxes, it shifts its energy to the cleansing and healing process. As a result, the body lacks the necessary energy to carry on with regular activities.

Low Blood Sugar Levels. Low blood sugar levels can occur in cases when the body is detoxing from high doses of sugar. Generally, this is nothing to worry about, however, extra caution should be taken if an underlying health problem is present. Not everyone is able to survive on a low-sugar diet, making it important to check with a health practitioner first.

Cravings generally arise once the body begins to feel itself getting weak and low on energy. The cravings could be anything, but in general, the body craves whatever substances are floating around in the bloodstream. So the healthier you eat, the healthier the cravings will be.

Digestive Problems

Do we need to get into details here? Things can go in either direction from where you can’t leave the toilet to where you can’t go at all.

The loose and runny stool is often a sign that the cleanse is working and the body is letting go and cleaning house. Slowing it down a notch might help to reduce the symptom.

Not being able to go could also be a sign that the body is letting go. Except in this case it may be the result of too many toxins and/or parasites accumulating in the colon to the point where the colon is unable to do its magic. This is especially true in the case of parasites. They have a mind of their own and do not want to leave the body! They love their hosts and will do anything to stay.

Drinking plenty of liquids, light exercises, and plenty of fruits and vegetables can help to keep things moving.

Mood Swings and Irritability

Let’s face it, the body, mind and emotions are all connected. So when one area suffers, so do the other areas! There is just no way around it. As a result mood swings and irritation can occur.

If too many toxins are released in the head and around the brain it can result in brain fog, making it difficult to concentrate or even conversate with others.

One possible solution is to isolate during a cleanse. 

On the other hand, close friends and family can be a huge help and an excellent source of motivation.

Flu-like Symptoms

The process of detoxing the body is really no different than having a cold or flu because in both cases, the body is expelling stored toxins. The symptoms, therefore, can be quite similar as well. Keeping warm under a blanket or soaking in a hot bath can help to clear the airways and reduce some of the symptoms.

Sinus Problems. This includes a runny or stuffed-up nose.

Coughing. Coughing can also occur once the lungs begin to release their toxins. It can result in bringing up excess phlegm as well as dried-up scar tissue or other debris from the airways.

Fever. A fever or night sweats can occur in some cases. In other cases, some might experience extreme cold, particularly in the arms and legs.

Nausea. Nausea is a sign that a lot of toxins are being released. 

Skin Problems

The skin is a major elimination organ, and therefore, a lot of the released toxins are expelled through the skin. As a result, acne, rashes or other skin problems can occur. The good news is that once the toxins are released, the skin will clear up.

Oral Problems

Coated or Pasty Tongue. This is a bit of a disturbing thought, but toxins also leave the body through the tongue and mouth. As a result, the tongue can become coated. Cleaning the tongue frequently will help to reduce the coating, but it will keep returning until all toxins are expelled.

Metallic Taste. A metallic taste can occur at times when the body is expelling heavy metals.

Body Odor

Increased body odour is quite common during a detox. This is simply because there are so many toxins leaving the body all at once.

Weight Loss

Weight loss, which is usually in favour, also occurs during detoxing. The body naturally uses any extra fat cells to coat harmful toxins so they can't harm the vital organs. Once the toxins are released, the body is then able to eliminate the fat cells as well.

Difficulty Sleeping

All the physical aches and pains and emotional disturbances can lead to many sleepless nights. Meditation, light yoga exercises or a hot bath can help the body and mind to relax naturally. Generally, these techniques will help when practiced in the last hour before lights out.

So there you have some of the top symptoms of detoxification. Don’t let them stop you from doing a cleanse, because the end results are well worth it! And if it helps at all, the first three days of any cleanse are generally the toughest. So if you can push yourself past the first three days, things will get better from thereon.

And if you can’t make it past three days, don’t worry, just do what you can and work your way up. With each cleanse it gets easier.

Here are a few reasons to do a detox.
Lemon and cucumber water


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